About Justina

About me...well one thing is that I am a big over-thinker. So much so that summarizing myself may be one of the trickiest things to do. So in regards to the business? Just know that I love what I do, I love the ability to serve others through living what I feel is a purpose driven mission. It’s so much more than growing a crop, it’s building a community and sharing the space you have created with others.

I am so many things and it morphs daily, I pour so much of myself into what I do leaving bits and pieces scattered along for you. If you need it you can pick up what you need and indulge in it. Whether it’s from our products, a memory from a visit or our online community.

I hope that when you visit the farm, our social media, read comments or use one of our products you get to know me and the team a bit better, you feel the warmth of the love and intention gone in to it all and how humbled I am to have earned your time and energy.

Con amor y cariño!

— Justina Salinas, Owner
